Cmd + PgUp/Down shortcut to navigate through terminal tabs


is it possible to make Cmd+Page Up / Page Down shortcut performing switch tab in Terminal?

At the moment I can use Cmd+Shift+[ or Cmd+Shift+] shortcuts to do the thing, but this is horrible for me. I'm using external USB Keyboard and Karabiner, if that may help somehow.

Best Answer

The answer now reassigns Scroll to Top/Bottom to ⌥⌘PageUp and ⌥⌘PageDown.
This leaves Show Previous/Next Tab free to take over ⌘PageUp and ⌘PageDown.

Assuming your OS X runs in English, you can use this one-liner:

defaults write NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add 'Scroll to Top' '~@\Uf72c' 'Scroll to Bottom' '~@\Uf72d' 'Show Previous Tab' '@\Uf72c' 'Show Next Tab' '@\Uf72d'

If your OS X runs in a language other than English, modify the command to resemble the exact menu item text for your language.