Ubuntu – Unity launcher: Tor Browser opens as Firefox icon


I have installed TorBrowser through TorBrowser-Launcher and pinned it to my Unity launcher.

Now whenever I start it, it show up in the launcher as Firefox.
I know that TorBrowser is a modified Firefox version, but I would really like if I could modify the .desktop file or anything to make it visible from the dock which browser is opened.

Is this possible or will the Firefox launcher always react on TorBrowser?

PS: My usr/share/applications/torbrowser.desktop file:

$  cat /usr/share/applications/torbrowser.desktop 
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Tor Browser
Comment=Launch the Tor Browser Bundle
Exec=/usr/bin/torbrowser-launcher %u

Best Answer

I cannot vouch for the safety (in terms of Tor's purposes and goals) of the next solution, but this is what I did in my own case.

I suppose that you already have tor browser registered as an app in your system, but if you don't than run this command from the directory containing the unpacked stuff, it must be something like:


And run this command:

~/tor-browser_en-US$ ./start-tor-browser.desktop --register-app

Then the solution itself. You should have a launcher file ~/.local/share/applications/start-tor-browser.desktop file. Drag it to your launcher bar. And in the file itself change the line:

Exec=sh -c '"/home/<username>/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/start-tor-browser" --detach || ([ !  -x "/home/<username>/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/start-tor-browser" ] && "$(dirname "$*")"/Browser/start-tor-browser --detach)' dummy %k

to this one (with substitution of the username properly):


That is make it to call the executable directly, not via a shell.

That's it, but I would like to repeat that I'm not sure how these changes affect the abilities of Tor browser. I suppose that nothing harmful was done.