Ubuntu – Unity launcher uses generic icon for Firefox in Ubuntu 12.04


After upgrading my distribution from 11.04 to 11.10 to 12.04 when starting a Firefox instance (from Alt+F2, not having a fixed launcher element) the icon displayed for it in the launcher and application switcher is the generic one (grey rectangle with a question mark in the middle). Why is that and how can I get the Firefox icon to display?

Best Answer

Simplest method:

(1.) Remove (undock) the current icon from Dash.

(2.) Use Unity to find this application (firefox).

(3.) Drag icon to Unity panel, then right-click on icon and select 'Lock to Launcher'.

Assuming that doesn't work ..

There should be a file firefox.desktop located in:


This should start with: (simplified for clarity)

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Firefox Web Browser
Comment=Browse the World Wide Web
GenericName=Web Browser
Exec=firefox %u

Also delete any customised copy of firefox.desktop you find in:


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