Ubuntu – Missing apple keyboard layout: English (International, Macintosh)


The "International Keyboard" layout from the apple magic keyboard seems to be missing, there is an international layout for UK, but the plain international layout is not there:

English (International, Macintosh) <- missing layout

magic keyboard (international)
* This is the layout that is missing

as a reference here are the other macintosh keyboard layouts, whereas the closes keyboard layout is the English (UK, Macintosh) but the shift + 3 combination is incorrect.

English (UK, Macintosh)

English (UK, Macintosh)

  • Shift + 3: should be # but instead is £

English (Macintosh)

English (Macintosh)

  • The keys left of Z should be backquote key and ~
  • The keys left of 1 should be § and ±

English (UK,Intl., Macintosh)

English (UK,Intl., Macintosh)

  • Multiple shift + number keys are incorrect
  • Multiple super + number keys are incorrect

Best Answer

Looks like you need to make the adjustment suggested in this Ask Ubuntu answer. Once you have done that, the English (Macintosh) keyboard layout probably fits your physical keyboard.


If editing /etc/default/keyboard proved to not be persistent, the explanation might be that there is only one user on your system and that the change was silently wiped out when you added or removed input sources in Settings.

If you set it by running this command:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options "['apple:badmap']"

instead it ought to stay.

(Looks like you hit a known inconsistency where GNOME and XKB don't play well together. That's a bug, and the issue is mentioned in passing in the discussion at bug #1892014.)