Ubuntu – Change accented letters in international with dead keys keyboard layout


I'm trying to use the English (intl. with dead keys AltGr) layout, since I have a US keyboard, but need to write italian text.

The combination of AltGr+accent+letter works fine, but the layout also offers the shortcut AltGr+letter that has the problem that by default outputs vowels with acute accent (á, é, etc), while most italian words use the grave accent (à, è, etc).

Is there a way to change the base layout to use grave accented letters instead?

Best Answer

You can open the file /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us for editing, go to the xkb_symbols "altgr-intl" variant, and add these modified lines:

    key <AD03> { [     e,          E,        egrave,           Egrave ] };
    key <AC01> { [     a,          A,        agrave,           Agrave ] };

The change should be effective instantly. Please note that you may need to redo it if the xkb-data package is updated.

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