Ubuntu – Keyboard layout identical to “US Extended” on Macbook Pro


I am running Ubuntu 13.04 on a Dell machine and I want to have the exact same keyboard layout as I have on my other machine, which is a Macbook Pro with an International English keyboard. On the Mac I have the keyboard set to US Extended.

On Ubuntu I have the layout set to English (Macintosh) which gives me this layout:
English (Macintosh) layout on Ubuntu

However what I really want is an exact copy of the US Extended on my Mac, which looks like this:

US Extended layout on OSX

And with the following modifiers with the alt key pressed:

US Extended layout on OSX (alt key pressed)

The layouts are similar but there are small differences, in particular producing the character ˙ modifier on Mac is Alt-w, while under Ubuntu it's Alt-h.
I've tried all the English layouts on Ubuntu but none match this exactly.
Any suggestions? I'm not adverse to writing a layout config myself, if that's what it takes, but a few pointers would be welcome!

Best Answer

The best thing for you is to learn the keyboards of each world ... because by using a pc keyboard on a mac or a mac keyboard on a pc you'll restrict yourself on the real use of the machine.

After a simple search those links answer to your question, you'll just have to apply it to your needs :

How to configure a keyboard on Ubuntu (simple way but may not fit your specific needs) : http://rabbitmoondot.blogspot.fr/2012/01/how-to-configure-ubuntus-keyboard-to.html https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard

and the hard one (but the one that I think will answer to your need) : http://michal.kosmulski.org/computing/articles/custom-keyboard-layouts-xkb.html https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Custom%20keyboard%20layout%20definitions

Best regards.