Ubuntu – Landscape openstack juju management


I have installed landscape openstack autopilot (Build OpenStack with conjure-up | Download | Ubuntu).

Can somebody help me to understand how can I deploy services such as ceilometer?
I download juju configuration, then copy it to .juju/enviroments.yaml. After add username, password. Then from terminal use "juju bootstrap". When it's bootstraped I have new instance in my openstack dashboard.

After I want to deploy ceilometer (ceilometer | Juju)

But on adding relations to rabbitmq and keystone it failes saying "unable to connect to keystone". How can I connect keystone, which was installed during openstack installation with ceilometer or any other service?

Maybe I'm doing everything wrong? Juju has been already bootstrapped while installing openstack. How can I connect to it to deploy new services?

Any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

To get access to the juju environment, please run the following from the place where you installed LDS:

# If you used the install-openstack tool, you want to do this first:
export JUJU_HOME=~/.cloud-install/juju
juju status

# Get an interactive shell with the right ENV sourced on the landscape
# server itself.
juju ssh landscape-server/0 sudo 'JUJU_HOME=/var/lib/landscape/juju-homes/`sudo ls -rt /var/lib/landscape/juju-homes/ | tail -1` sudo -u landscape -E bash'

# You should see a lot of openstack services with this command:
juju status

At this point, you can poke around, deploy services, and generally wreak havoc in your environment.

In other words, here is where you would deploy ceilometer.

Good Luck!