Ubuntu – Ceilometer deployment


This is next question after making: Landscape openstack juju management

Now I'm trying to deploy ceilometer. doing this by juju deploy ceilometer (https://jujucharms.com/u/yolanda.robla/ceilometer/precise/16) made nothing changed to openstack dashboard. Actually there was one difference: i added relation not to rabbitmq but to rabbitmq-server, because i have none rabitmq.

After that i tried next: http://docs.openstack.org/havana/install-guide/install/apt/content/ceilometer-install.html
In this page it is said: Before you can install these agents on nodes such as the compute node, you must use this procedure to install the core components on the controller node. I know I'm newbie in Openstack, but what is controller node?

Can somebody help me with juju deployment or with manual telemetry deployment?

Thank you for attention.

Best Answer

Ok, I have done ceilometer deployment. After installing landscape openstack autopilot you need to do next things:

  1. From host where you have executed openstack-install:

    # If you used the install-openstack tool, you want to do this first:
    export JUJU_HOME=~/.cloud-install/juju
    juju status
    # Get an interactive shell with the right ENV sourced on the landscape
    # server itself.
    juju ssh landscape/0 sudo 'JUJU_HOME=/var/lib/landscape/juju-homes/`sudo ls -rt /var/lib/landscape/juju-homes/ | tail -1` sudo -u landscape -E bash'
    # You should see a lot of openstack services with this command: 
    juju status
  2. To deploy with juju i'm creating for service new container:

    juju deploy ceilometer --to lxc:0

    This will create new lxc container for ceilometer. For looking if ceilometer has started use:

    watch juju status ceilometer

    ok, you need need to execute next commands:

    juju deploy mongodb --to lxc/0
    juju add-relation ceilometer mongodb
    juju add-relation ceilometer rabbitmq-server
    juju add-relation ceilometer keystone
    juju deploy ceilometer-agent
    juju add-relation ceilometer-agent nova-compute
    juju add-relation ceilometer:ceilometer-service ceilometer-agent:ceilometer-service
    juju expose mongodb
    juju expose ceilometer
    juju expose ceilometer-agent

Wait until everything is started (juju status).

  1. So after that ceilometer is installed. But in my case it has been installed to regionOne (landscape's), not in my region. So, I fix it in that way: You need to connect to machine where you have installed ceilometer. You can find it using juju status ceilometer. My container is 0/lxc/10:

    juju ssh 0/lxc/10

To get proper enviroment for keystone and ceilometer download openstack rc file: enter image description here

on ceilometer's container run next:

    sudo nano admin-openrc.sh

And copy text from downloaded file to new file. Save it and close.

  1. Run next:

    source admin-openrc.sh
    #enter your openstack password (you can find it on your landscape monitor page)
    keystone endpoint-list
    #copy id of endpoint with uncorrect region. And remember the url.
    keystone endpoint-delete  **paste this ID**
    keystone endpoint-create --region **YOUR_REGION** --service-id ceilometer --publicurl="**CEILOMETER_URL**" --adminurl="**CEILOMETER_URL**" --internalurl="**CEILOMETER_URL**"

    5.Relogin to your dashboard. If you have made everything right you will see Resource Usage on your admin's panel and clicking "Generating report" won't go into mistake.