Ubuntu – How to see what Openstack services have been deployed to which servers once Openstack Autopilot has completed successfully


I have successfully used the openstack-install on my MAAS server to install the Landscape managed option.

I have successfully configured the Openstack Autopilot beta options in the Landscape web console and run install.

I now have a clean Openstack deployment across my MAAS nodes (6).

I'd like to understand how Openstack services were distributed across my MAAS nodes by Autopoilot.

If on my MAAS server I type:

export JUJU_HOME=~/.cloud-install/juju
juju status

I can see how Landscape itself was deployed into lots of LXC containers on one of the MAAS nodes. What I can't see anywhere is how the Landscape Autopilot tool went on to use juju to deploy Openstack across the other nodes.

I really would like to understand what juju did in order to gain a better understanding of a) what I ended up with and b) how the Ubuntu Openstack reference deployment hangs together. How might I go about doing viewing the "juju status" of the Autopilot outcome?

Best Answer

Similarly to: Landscape openstack juju management

You can use the following:

# If you used the install-openstack tool, you want to do this first:
export JUJU_HOME=~/.cloud-install/juju
juju status

# Get an interactive shell with the right ENV sourced on the landscape
# server itself.
juju ssh landscape/0 sudo 'JUJU_HOME=/var/lib/landscape/juju-homes/`sudo ls -rt /var/lib/landscape/juju-homes/ | tail -1` sudo -u landscape -E bash'

# (or maybe this depending on your version of the tools)
juju ssh landscape-server/0 sudo 'JUJU_HOME=/var/lib/landscape/juju-homes/`sudo ls -rt /var/lib/landscape/juju-homes/ | tail -1` sudo -u landscape -E bash'

# You should see a lot of openstack services with this command:
juju status
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