Ubuntu – Enable/Disable sidebar in Nautilus (aka Files)


I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and would like to set the Files (Nautilus) sidebar (where it shows Places, Devices, Network) to default to not being displayed.

It can be toggled on/off with F9. In preferences you can set hidden files to display or not, but there's no option to set the sidebar to not display by default.

Best Answer

Type this command:

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.window-state start-with-sidebar false

It will change default nautilus configuration to doesn't show the sidebar.

If you want to come back to default behavior (nautilus with sidebar) you can simply set the previous setting to true:

gsettings set org.gnome.nautilus.window-state start-with-sidebar true

If you want more information on gsettings command you can read the manual:

man gsettings

I hope this could help you.