Ubuntu – Enable Recent files icon in the sidebar of File explorer


I recently upgraded from Ubuntu 15.10 to 16.04.2 LTS.

This is a sample image of file explorer before upgrade. As you can see there is an icon for recently used files in the sidebar.

File Explorer in Ubuntu 15.10

Now have a look at file explorer after upgrade. As you can see the option for recent files is gone.

File Explorer in Ubuntu 15.10

How can I enable this option in Ubuntu 16.04.02 LTS?

EDIT: @Ravexina. This is what I got after typing recent:/// in nautilus address bar. The recent folder is opening but it is not showing any of the recently opened files.


Best Answer

Go to "System Settings" and choose "Security and Privacy" go to "files & applications" tab and turn "Record file and application usage" on.

enter image description here

As an alternative in nautilus (file manager), press Ctrl+L so you can enter "Addresss/Path", then type in: recent:/// and press enter. It should show the recent files.

Then press Ctrl+D to bookmark this into your nautilus sidebar.

enter image description here