Ubuntu – minimize application windows to a taskbar in GNOME 3


Is there a way to drop windows down into a taskbar in GNOME, then later restore them by clicking on the entry in the bar?

The Windows operating system, as well as some desktop environments in Ubuntu, but not GNOME 3, have a panel called the taskbar which contains a window list. Application windows can be minimized (iconified) and shown only in that list, then restored by clicking on them in the list.

Is this possible with GNOME Shell in Ubuntu 17.10?

Best Answer

There are some GNOME shell extensions which may help you achieve this goal.

  1. Window List
    It displays a list of open windows at the bottom of the screen. You'll be able to minimise and restore windows by clicking on the window names.
  2. Window List Mod
    It's a modification of the Window List extension. It displays a list of open windows at the top of the screen and offers a few more customisations.