Ubuntu – How to not always show left Ubuntu Dock in gnome-shell


I installed a fresh Ubuntu 17.10 (GNOME).

Its GNOME Shell appears to have been modified to behave similar to the Unity shell, and hence on the left side panel I always see a panel (aka Ubuntu Dock) providing icons to start different apps.

Screenshot of gnome shell desktop with sidebar enabled always showing on the left side

I find it especially annoying with programs running in full screen windows.

How can I make the sidebar always disappear during normal mode?

I don't mind seeing it when in the "Activities overview" accessible by default through the super key, yet I don't want to see when I am on the desktop or in different apps.

I want to keep the title bar.

In the end, I am looking for a similar experience that was provided, if one switched to the GNOME shell on Ubuntu 16.04.

Best Answer

You can auto-hide the Ubuntu Dock by going to Settings > Dock and the toggling on "Auto-hide the Dock".

enter image description here

If you wish to have a pure GNOME experience, follow this Q&A: How do I get a vanilla GNOME after Ubuntu 17.04?

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