Ubuntu – Byobu: open different tabs in different windows of the same session

12.04byobucommand linetmux

Let's say I have a byobu session running with multiple tabs open. Then if I open a new terminal, and start byobu, it will take me into the same session. If I then switch byobu tabs in one terminal, the other terminal will also switch to the same tab.

Is it possible to have different tabs of the same byobu session open in different terminals?

Best Answer

Great question!

This isn't directly possible, due to the way Tmux works, from a client-server perspective.

Nonetheless, there is a viable workaround... Basically, you just need to have separate sessions. Byobu makes this easy and convenient through a couple of keybindings.

  • F2 creates new windows
  • Alt-Left and Alt-Right moves back and forth between them
  • Ctrl-F2 creates a vertical splits
  • Shift-F2 creates horizontal splits
  • Shift-Up, -Down, -Left, -Right, move around the splits
  • Ctrl-Shift-F2 creates a new session
  • Alt-Up and Alt-Down moves between sessions

The latter two should solve your problem!

Full disclosure: Author and maintainer of Byobu here

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