Ubuntu – Byobu changing tabs

byobucommand line

When I'm sharing the same byobu session with multiple users, sometimes when I change the tab, the other user is automatically changed to my new tab, and sometimes he has to do it manually. How can I specify if I want to force the users to change the tab automatically or not?

Best Answer

Other users would need to open their own session. Then, each user can move around each window or split, on a per session basis.

For navigation hot keys, see the help page with Shift-F1:

  • F2 Create a new window
  • Shift-F2 Create a horizontal split
  • Ctrl-F2 Create a vertical split
  • Ctrl-Shift-F2 Create a new session
  • F3 and F4 Move focus among windows
  • Alt-Left/Right Move focus among windows
  • Alt-Up/Down Move focus among sessions
  • Shift-Left/Right/Up/Down Move focus among splits
  • Shift-F3/F4 Move focus among splits
  • Ctrl-F3/F4 Move a split
  • Ctrl-Shift-F3/F4 Move a window
  • Shift-Alt-Left/Right/Up/Down Resize a split