Remap Win Up Key as Tab Key in Windows


I would like to modify Windows(Super) key behavour like:

  1. {LWin Up} key as Tab character instead Windows Menu.
  2. LWin + letter, number, function key etc – works like normal behaviour.(ex: Win + m – minimize)

How to do that at Windows 7?

Best Answer

Try this:

    KeyWait LWin, T0.15
    If !ErrorLevel ; if you hold the LWin key for less than 200 miliseconds...
        Send {Tab}
    Else ; but if it is held for more than that...
        Send {LWin Down} ; ...hold LWin down
    KeyWait LWin ; and, in both cases, wait for it to be released
    Send, {LWin Up}

This will let you use left Win-key as tab if you shortpress it, and if you hold it down for 0.15 seconds, it will treat the buttonpress as left Win-key and enable you to use Win + letter-shortcuts.

This was crudely stolen and modified from

All credit goes to MasterFocus over there.