Windows – How to remap Win+Tab with Alt+Tab in Windows 7

autohotkeywindows 7

Is there a way to replace the Win+Tab key combination with Alt+Tab in Windows 7?

I'd be interested in a way to do so without Autohotkey, but if Autohotkey is the only answer please provide the script.

I would like to replace Win+Shift+Tab with Alt+Shift+Tab as well.

Best Answer

In an autohotkey script you can add the line:

LAlt & Tab::Send #{Tab}

When the left alt key and Tab are pressed, it will send Win-Tab to the system.

For some reason, I have yet to get the shift key working (if anyone can explain it in a comment, I'll add it!)

Caveat: I don't have a version of Windows 7 to play with. This was tested on a Windows XP SP3 machine.