Windows – MacBook Pro / Windows 7 : remap Cmd key to Ctrl, except Cmd+Tab to Alt+Tab

autohotkeyboot-campkeyboard shortcutsremappingwindows 7

I'm using a MacBook Pro running Windows 7 under bootcamp. I'm used to switching between Mac kb / MacOS X software and Windows kb / Windows software but the crazy mixup of Mac kb / Windows software forces me to think think with every keystroke.

I had the idea to remap the Cmd key to Ctrl (as I mapped the Capslock key to Ctrl, which I like on any OS, Windows, Mac or Linux) but then Cmd+Tab would be wrong.

Any recommendations to do the following customization?

  • Cmd+Tab goes to Alt+Tab
  • Cmd+Right-Arrow goes to End
  • Cmd+Left-Arrow goes to Home
  • Cmd+Up-Arrow goes to PgUp
  • Cmd+Up-Arrow goes to PgDn
  • all other Cmd+ goes to Ctrl+

I think this sort of key layout would save my sanity, but I want some as reliable as completely remapping Win-key to Ctrl-key with a small number of exceptions.

Any ideas? Should I just dive in with Autohotkey, my old standby, or is there something more reliable that doesn't require an explicit list of keys — and remembering to start up my AHK script after each reboot?

Best Answer

#SingleInstance force

#r::Send ^r ;reload
#z::Send ^z ; undo
#y::Send ^y ; redo
#f::Send ^f ; find inside apps
#c::Send ^c ; copy
#x::Send ^x ; cut
#v::Send ^v ; paste
#a::Send ^a ; select all
#t::Send ^t ; new tab in browser (IE, Safari, Firefox, etc)
#s::Send ^s ; save inside apps
LWin & Tab::AltTab ; the motherlode, alt-tab!

#Up::Send {PgUp} ; PgUp
#Down::Send {PgDn} ; PgDown
#Left::Send {home} ; Home
#Right::Send {end} ; End

•all other Cmd+ goes to Ctrl+

I don't know about that, is it possible or not, but most common options should be covered with that script

P.S You can set AutoHotkey to start automatically when windows starts, like any other program on windows - just copy a shortcut to AutoHotkey to folder

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"

If you are running windows on virtualbox not with bootcamp, then remeber to change your "Host" key from Left Command to Right Command (from Virtualbox (NOT Virtualbox VM) menu "VirtualBox"->"Preferences"->"Input") to make those shortcuts work

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