How to Set Up MySQL Server on Windows 7 64-bit


I am trying to install MySQL Server on my Windows-7 64-bit machine. I have downloaded MySQL Server Community Edition and MySQL Workbench. I am trying to start a new Server Instance from Workbench. I clicked on New Server Instance -> localhost, but I am getting the following error

enter image description here

I have been trying this for the last 6 hours. Any pointer will be great help.

Best Answer

It looks like you are creating a New Server Instance Profile, not a New Server Instance.

If you installed MySQL already, then go to the DOS Prompt and run

C:\> net start mysql


  • Click Start
  • Click Control Panel
  • Click Administrative Tools
  • Double Click Services
  • Right Click on MySQL and Choose Start Service

To verify that MySQL is running on the Windows 7 machine,

  • Right Click on Bottom Task Bar and Click Start Task Manager
  • Click on Processes Tab
  • Scroll around and Look for the process mysqld

Once you have MySQL running on the Windows machine, you can go to to create a Server Instance Profile. The key here is to install MySQL first.