MySQL Workbench asking for password


I am trying to set MySQL server on my Windows 7 64 bit machine. I have downloaded MySQL server and MySQLWorkbench.

I have started mysql service by command

C:\> net start mysql

as suggested here and checked that mysqld.exe process is running. Now when I do New Server Instance in Workbench, it is asking for the password. I never entered or set the password

enter image description here

My Question

Why New Server Instance in Workbench is asking for the password?

Best Answer

You will need to give root@localhost a password

Since you just installed mysql, you are running with default settings, this means you have no my.cnf. You will have to create one.

Run the following at a DIS Prompt

cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5
dir *.ini

There, you will see sample .ini files. Let's pick my-small.ini

net stop mysql
cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5
copy my-small.ini my.ini
cd data
del ib*
notepad my.ini

Once you open notepad, add this under the [mysqld] header


Close notepad and Save my.ini

Next, run these lines

net start mysql
mysql (hit enter)

You will get a mysql prompt. Now run this:

mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET PASSWORD=PASSWORD('mysecretpassword') WHERE user='root' AND host='localhost';

Back at the DOS Prompt, do this:

net stop mysql
notepad my.ini

Once Notepad is open, delete the line skip-grant-tables from my.ini

Close notepad and Save my.ini

net start mysql

Once mysql is back up, test the password at the DOS prompt

mysql -uroot -p (hit enter)
Password: (type mysecretpassword and hit enter)

If you get the mysql prompt, CONGRATULATIONS !!! You installed a password for root@localhost

Go back to MySQL Workbench and user mysecretpassword as the password

Give it a Try !!!