MySQL server will not start/stop

command lineinstallationMySQLmysql-workbench

I am currently in the process of setting up a database in MySQL for an application where I will be running PowerBI to do analyses on the data in the database and in a further stage to design an application to upload/download data from this db.

I tried to install the Community Edition through the MySQL Installer. I installed MySQL Server, Shell, Workbench and the ODBC Connector (I want to use Access as a front end) and the NET Connector (I want to import the data in PowerBI). Furthermore I choose to not have MySQL running as a Windows Service as it would keep running in the background. I am currently using my machine with limited hardware resources both as a host and a client. We don't have dedicated infrastructure yet and I am purely using my machine to test/develop.

What I would like to be able to do is the following: starting the server instance through MySQL Workbench when working on the project, open Microsoft Access and PowerBI to work on both the reports and the database. After finishing, I would stop the server instance again through MySQL Workbench.

My problem is the following: I am not succeeding in stopping/starting the instance from Workbench and I get the following error message:enter image description here

I succeed in stopping the server instance through CMD but when trying to start again I get the following messages:enter image description here

Does anyone know wha I am doing wrong? Did I not install enough packages to get it running or did I configure someting wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

This is bug in Workbench. We have bug report for that start/stop issue. This problem was caused by migration from python2.7 to python3 and only affect last WB release. We working on that and it is already partially fixed.