Symmetric self-referential many-to-many

constraintdatabase-designforeign keyrelational-theory

I'm trying to model a hierarchy of categories where a category can have multiple parents ( an overlapping tree model as described in this book )

I have the following tables

  int     id
  string  name

  int     parent_id  (foreign_key to
  int     child_id   (foreign_key to

and an index on [ parent_id, child_id ] for uniqueness

The issue with this setup is that
A can be parent of B, and B can be parent of A at the same time

Is there a way to specify a db constraint to avoid this or should I ensure it at the application level?

Thank you very much

Best Answer

I would define levels in the hierarchy:

  int     id
  int level
  string  name

I would propagate the parent and child levels into your link table:

  int     parent_id  
  int parent_level ((parent_id  , parent_level) foreign_key to video_categories(id, level))
  int     child_id   
  int child_level((child_id  , child_level) foreign_key to video_categories(id, level))
  check(child_level > parent_level)