Sql-server – Any way around unique index 16 column max

constraintdatabase-designsql serversql-server-2008

According to the CREATE INDEX documentation:

Up to 16 columns can be combined into a single composite index key.

We've got a table with ~18 columns that need to form a unique combination. This table is not performance sensitive — we rarely update values/insert records. We just need to ensure that we avoid duplicating our records… and thought we could impose a simple uniqueness constraint.

Any ideas? I'm open to avoiding the unique index/constraint entirely if there is a better way.

Best Answer

Add a persisted computed column that combines the 18 keys, then create an unique index on the computed column:

alter table t add all_keys as c1+c2+c3+...+c18 persisted;
create unique index i18 on t (all_keys);

See Creating Indexes on Computed Columns.

Another approach is to create an indexed view:

create view v 
with schemabinding
as select c1+c2+c3+...+c18 as all_keys
from dbo.t;

create unique clustered index c18 on v(all_keys);

See Creating Indexed Views.

Both approaches allow for a partial key aggregate: aggregate c1+c2+c3 as k1, c4+c5+c6 as k2 etc. then index/create indexed view on (k1, k2, ...). Thia could be beneficial for range scans (index can be used for search on c1+c2+c3.

Of course, all + operation in my example are string aggregation, the actual operator to use depends on the types of all those columns (ie. you may have to use explicit casts).

PS. As unique constraints are enforced by an unique index, any restriction on unique indexes will apply to unique constraints as well:

create table t (
    c1 char(3), c2 char(3), c3 char(3), c4 char(3),
    c5 char(3), c6 char(3), c7 char(3), c8 char(3),
    c9 char(3), c10 char(3), c11 char(3), c12 char(3),
    c13 char(3), c14 char(3), c15 char(3), c16 char(3),
    c17 char(3), c18 char(3), c19 char(3), c20 char(3),
    constraint unq unique

Msg 1904, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
The index '' on table 't' has 18 column names in index key list. 
The maximum limit for index or statistics key column list is 16.
Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 3
Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

However, creating the constraint on a persisted computed column works:

create table t (
    c1 char(3), c2 char(3), c3 char(3), c4 char(3),
    c5 char(3), c6 char(3), c7 char(3), c8 char(3),
    c9 char(3), c10 char(3), c11 char(3), c12 char(3),
    c13 char(3), c14 char(3), c15 char(3), c16 char(3),
    c17 char(3), c18 char(3), c19 char(3), c20 char(3),
    all_c as 
        constraint unq unique (all_c));

Obviously, the persisted column consumes the space on disk so the approach may be bad for a very large table. The indexed view approach does not have this problem, it only consumes the space for the index, not the space for the computed column and index.