Database schema for a product with multiple categories and hierarchical categories


I need some opinion on whether I am going in the right direction with this.

I am trying to build a e-commerce site (with MySQL backend) where

  • a single product can belong to more one than category
  • categories are hierarchical in nature

For e.g.

Food > Fruit > Red > Cherry
     > Fruit > Yellow > Banana
     > Healthy > Cherry
  • Cherry is both Healthy and Red.
  • There is a hierarchy for categories

The way I am planning to implement this in the backend is:

  • Modified PreOrder traversal for storing hierarchy of categories. The tree would not hold products, but only categories.
  • ProductID – CategoryID: many-to-many table: where each product can be stored with multiple categories.

Is this the right way to go ?

One of my concerns in this approach is; even though new categories won't be added very frequently, but when we would have to add a new category, we will have to make a whole lot of updates in productID-cateogryID table since the category IDs would now be pointing to something different!

Is there a better way to deal with this ?

EDIT: Modified preorder traversal is better known as: Nested Set model

Best Answer

What you are proposing is a good solution for your requirement of M:N products to categories and hierarchical categories.

To avoid exposing yourself to numerous updates: You need to do two things to ensure that you don't have a lot of updates in your intersection table.

First, you need to be sure that your categories have a stable, persistent primary key.

Second, you need to link food items to leaf categories. Don't join Cherry to Red, Healthy, Fruit and Food - just join it to Red and Healthy. Your nested sets take care of all of the secondary (and higher level) associations.