MacOS – Upgrade to OSX 10.9 from 10.8 causes random restarts


I recently upgraded my MacBook Pro (late 2011, core i5 2.4ghz, 8 gigs of ram) to OSX 10.9 from 10.8 (which in turn I upgraded from Lion).

The installation seemed to go well and everything was great until the OS booted up.
Every time the OS boots up (doesn't matter if I log in with my user or not) it restarts itself after a random amount of minute (5 minutes avg.).

Steps taken:

  1. Reset SMC

  2. Reset NVRAM

  3. Permissions fix in disk utility

  4. Remove login items

  5. Clean caches

Nothing worked… I do have the kernel panic dump if anyone would like to look at it.
Anyway, I really don't want to re-install the system and hope you can give me more advice.


I forgot to mention that I can work in safe mode without a problem (except it being slower than usual mode).

Here is the link to the Kernel panic file:

Best Answer

I'm betting that it's this kernel extension:


Do you have anything that matches that name in /Library/Extensions (likely), or /System/Library/Extensions? If so, it may help to remove the file and reboot.

It appears that this software may be related to a Belkin product