Xcode iOS Support Package – Stop Automatic Downloads on MacOS


I want Xcode to stop downloading the files in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/12.4 where 12.4 is the iOS version of my iPhone. I have deleted them a couple of times now.

I also want to be able to connect my iPhone via USB to the Mac, without the fear of 2.5 GB bandwidth and storage cost.

This setting in Xcode Preferences → Components doesn't list 12.4.

enter image description here

Xcode 10.3, iOS 12.4, macOS 10.14.

These posts talk about removal only:

Best Answer

The screenshot you showed is for iOS simulator runtimes. The data you are asking about is the dylib cache for your iPhone, which Xcode copies from the device. If you don't want to use that device for development, select it in the Devices Window in Xcode and deselect it as available for development. That should prevent it from being used for development in the future.