IOS Simulator installed app location in Xcode 6.1


I am trying to locate the actual location of app installed on iOS Simulator. I am using OSX 10.9.4 with Xcode 6.1

Already tried looking Application Support folder but can't find the simulator location. Tried a bunch of different locations as well, but can't find anything. Any ideas where can I find it or where should I look in apple documentation regarding this? Any pointers will be appreciated.

Best Answer

For newer Xcode's (including 6.1) follow below steps to see the installed apps (.app) location >>

  1. Right click
  2. Go to 'Show Contents'.
  3. Navigate to this part of the file path: Contents > Developer > Platforms > iPhoneSimulator.platform > Developer > SDKs > iPhoneSimulator8.1.sdk > Applications

Here will show all installed .app list.

Besides if you want to install new .app on simulator, just drag and drop .app to this location.