IOS – copy simulator from one mac to another mac osx


I'm the user with the less internet speed, one of my friend downloaded iPhone Simulator in his Xcode 4.5 to test the code in iOS 5.1, 5.0, 4.3 os too, now if I want those simulators in my mac, is there any way from there I can copy those simulators and simply paste it somewhere in my folder that I will get those simulators in my Xcode too? — I'm taking this as an advantage for not downloading the same thing again and save the time!

I came to know that, we can find the iPhone simulators here for XCode 4.3 or higher versions,


Have anyone tried this before? or some other way to get this other than downloading.

Best Answer

As @patrix told me to tried on my own self, I've do so, I got the simulator from here,


and copy the simulator sdk you want to add in your xcode, and paste it on the same path as above in your mac. That's it.