IOS simulator for El Capitan


I am a web developer and I often need to do testing on i devices. I have a macbook around and I don't know what is the best way to test my web applications on iOS devices. I don't have any physical iPhones or iPads (yet).

Is there any simple & good iOS simulator? I'm interested to debug the JavaScript in Safari, in developer tools.

Is it possible to install the simulator without installing XCode?

How to do that?

Best Answer

Without Xcode, there's not really any way to get an iOS simulator that I know of. Alternatively, you could download Xcode and just pull the iOS simulator out of it from the path

edit: to run Safari in Debug mode on your virtual iPhone, there are a set of instructions on tutsplus. In essence:

  • open iOS Simulator
  • from the menubar, `Develop > iPhone Simulator > (website name)
  • this should open a side window with Safari Developer Tools