Debian – Disable GNOME on a Debian Install


I'm very new to Linux, and I'm setting up a Debian server. Since I don't have any need for a GUI most of the time, I'd like to disable it from running at startup and wasting system resources.

However, I'd still like to have it available for running Firefox and performing tasks that might be painful to do with the command line.

I've tried doing some research on the subject, and people seem to say this line will do it:

#update-rc.d -f gdm remove

(I assume the hash signifies I should enter it into the terminal; if I leave it in there nothing happens)

If I SSH in as root and enter that line, I receive the result:

update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing

which is wonderfully cryptic. When I reboot the computer afterwards, GNOME comes right back up. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?

Best Answer

Depending on the debian version you are running it can be

update-rc.d -f gdm remove


update-rc.d -f gdm3 remove

Reboot.. Thats it! I just tested it

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