Bash – shell scripts are still working without #!(sha-bang line)


I am new to shell scripts and many books have written that use #!(sha-bang) line in starting of the script to invoke the interpreter .And this will invoke a new shell for script and do the interpretation line by line.But one of my basic script is still running without the magic line.

so my questions are:

  • from where did my basic script get the interpreter.
  • how did the script manages to locate the interpreter.

now let me tell you about my basic script it just contains the following line:

echo "basic script without the magic lines"

Best Answer

If the magic line is not provided, a default shell is used to run the script. This default shell could either be Bourne shell (sh) which is the case in some flavors, however, in some other flavors, the default shell used is same as login shell to execute it. The thing is: Don't leave it to the system to decide the shell, always provide the shell which you want in the first line.