Bash – How to Name a File in the Deepest Level of a Directory Tree


How do I name one random file in the deepest level of a directory tree using basic Bash commands and script?

I was searching for a way to do it as an one-liner and without functions. Assuming also that I'm starting in the current directory and then work towards the depth.

find, grep, sed and awk are acceptable commands.

My current attempt looks like this and does not work:

find -type d | declare COUNT=-1; declare P=""; while read LINE ; do echo $LINE; declare C; C=$(echo $LINE | cut -c3- | sed "s/\//\n\//g" | grep '/' -c); echo $C; if [ $COUNT -gt $C ]; then let COUNT=$C; let P=$LINE; echo "Done"; fi; done

This would only find the directory.

How could this be solved in the most simple way?

Best Answer

That's an odd request!

I'd use find + awk to grab a file in the deepest directory:

bash-3.2$ deepest=$(find / -type f | awk -F'/' 'NF > depth {
>     depth = NF;
>     deepest = $0;
> }
> END {
>     print deepest;
> }')

Using ${deepest} in your mv command is left as an exercise but the following five lines may help you further:

bash-3.2$ echo "${deepest}"

bash-3.2$ echo "${deepest%.*}"

bash-3.2$ echo "${deepest%/*}"

bash-3.2$ echo "${deepest##*/}"

bash-3.2$ echo "${deepest##*.}"

Following update to question:

find -type d [...] "This would only find the directory. [...] How could this be solved in the most simple way?".

By supplying -type f to find to find all files (f), not all directories (d).

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