Ubuntu – YouTube will not play in Firefox or Chrome on fresh 12.04 install


First of all let me state I am new to Ubuntu and the Linux platform all together. I decided to install on an older PC (Pentium 3) to get some use out of it. Everything seems to have installed fine (Ubuntu 12.04).

  1. Immediately went to test the Firefox and it would not play YouTube videos. All I got was a black screen. Checked, it had Shockwave plug-in installed and up to date.

  2. So I downloaded Chrome knowing Flash is integrated into Chrome. I got the messag:

    could not load Shock wave Flash

    on the home page.

  3. I downloaded ubuntu-restricted-.... Still won't work

Please help.

Best Answer

You can try html5 to watch youtube videos instead of flash, just type http://youtube.com/html5 and choose enter html5 trial, it uses html5 for video instead of flash player.