Ubuntu – No sound in Youtube since falshplugin-installer updated 14/09/15


So title says it really, updated and then no sound ONLY for YouTube, all other flash seems fine.

The update downloaded and installed fine.

I tried reinstalling the plug in as well as the restricted extras, reinstalled Firefox too, also Google results were all dated and not relevant.

Am I the only one getting this ?

Anyone know a fix ?

Ubuntu 14.04
Nvidia gtx 650

Shockwave Flash

File: libflashplayer.so
Path: /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so
State: Enabled
Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202

Best Answer

You can use the HTML5 version of Youtube instead of the flash version - to enable it go to https://www.youtube.com/html5 and enable it:

It should say 'The HTML5 player is currently used when possible'

You need the appropriate video codecs to do this, you should have them if ubuntu-restricted-extras package is installed (see RestrictedFormats - these codecs may also be installed with Totem, VLC or other video players.

If the issue is with the HTML5 player, you can switch back to the flash player using the youtube.com/html5 page again

If you have issues with high-quality playback etc, try my answer here.

Another possible issue is that its volume has been muted - make sure it isn't like:

enter image description here

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