Ubuntu – window too big, can’t resize or maximize


I'm running Kate under Gnome. Somehow it was resized to a too-large size for my desktop. So now the Maximize and Resize buttons are unreachable. I'm assuming reinstalling would fix the problem, but if I can fix it without reinstalling that would be ideal. Any ideas/suggestions are much appreciated. (I have tried the keyboard shortcuts, with no results.)

enter image description here

Best Answer

When a window is bigger than the resolution of the monitor do the following:

  1. Press and HOLD ALT (On Ubuntu 18.04+ Hold SUPER) and then simply click and HOLD the mouse button over the window you want.

  2. Start dragging it until you can see the top part or at least a corner to resize it. Keep holding the corresponding key while doing each click until you can see a corner or the top. From there just resize it as you like.