Ubuntu – Will “apt-get upgrade” update the kernel on LTS


I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. My question is: Will running "apt-get upgrade" update the kernel? I have read in some untrusted places that only running "apt-get dist-upgrade" will update the kernel.

Is it true?

P.S.Logically I don't think it should update, as it is LTS (stable release).

Best Answer

Only those installing from the 12.04.2 or newer point release media will automatically receive a newer enablement stack by default.

To remain on the original Precise stack, Install from a previous 12.04.0 or 12.04.1 point release and update. The previous 12.04.0 and 12.04.1 releases are archived here.

Source: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack