Ubuntu – What’s a Good Rhythmbox Replacement


I'm looking to get rid of rhythmbox as my primary music player. Preferably something that allows multiple folders for the music library and has support for the new sound indicator.

Mostly I want more playback options that Rhythmbox lacks like a related suffle or mood shuffle type of thing. Also, auto rating based on listening habits would be nice (like Rhythmbox used to have).

I have tried Exaile and Banshee. But I couldn't add more than one folder to my library.

Let me know what you all have experienced with various different players. Even some good rhythmbox plugins to add these types of features would be great.

Best Answer

You can get around the one folder restriction by using symbolic links.
Say your music folder is ~/Music and you want to import ~/OtherMusic, you can put a symbolic link for ~/OtherMusic inside the ~/Music folder.

In a terminal: ln -s ~/OtherMusic ~/Music

You might need to restart your music player for it to notice the sym-link.