Ubuntu – Music player that can sort or filter by number of tracks (per artist)


I'm looking for a music player/music library manager that allows me to see a list of artists sorted by the number of tracks I have for that artist. Winamp does this, but I haven't found any Ubuntu-compatible applications that will. GMusicBrowser comes the closest.

I've tried Banshee, Amarok, Guayadeque, Audacious, and looked at screenshots for a bunch more (Clementine, Exaile, Quodlibet, Jajuk, etc.).

Again, I'm looking for the ability to sort by how many songs I own per artist.

Alternately, the ability to show a filtered list of artists based on the number of tracks (e.g. show me only the artists with more than, say, 10 tracks) would work.

Best Answer

After a little back-and-forth with the lead developer, it's clear that gmusicbrowser actually does everything I want.

In the Artist pane, right-click and do OptionsSort ByNumber of Songs in Filter. For additional goodness, right-click and check Show Buttons, and adjust the numeric dropdown that appears in the button bar to select a minimum number of songs that an artist must have in order to appear.

I've found the UI a little unintuitive, but in terms of features gmusicbrowser is turning out to be terrific.