Ubuntu – Use Remmina 1.2.0 with SSH tunneling


I'm using SSH tunnel and remmina client to connect to the remote machine.

First I open the tunnel in my terminal:

ssh -L 3309:<server_address>:3389 user@<aws_bastion>

And then I just connect via remmina to localhost:3309 port with user name and password for that server. It works just fine.

I wonder if I could setup this SSH tunnel bit in remmina directly

I've tried to specify the following

Tunnel setup screen

And then connect to my <aws_bastion> server and it doesn't work. I wonder how do I translate that tunnel command in GUI client?

Best Answer

It works in my case and I think the strange configurations are:

  • In SSH Tunnel, best use the SSH Agent based authentication.
  • In Basic settings, the server should start with localhost even though I put the server's IP in SSH Tunnel.

Hope this helps.

Update with the configuration that worked for me:

  • Basic tab.

    This depends on the vnc server setup in the remote.

    • Server: localhost:5900 (assuming the vnc server listen to localhost at port 5900)
    • User password: Your vnc password
  • SSH Tunnel:

    • Tick Enable SSH tunnel.
    • Choose custom: VNC_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS:22 (22 is the port for SSH)
    • In SSH Authentication: depending on the remote ssh configuration, use password or use SSH Agent.
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