Ubuntu – How to print over ssh

printingremote accesssshtunnel

I have the following configuration:

P == U ---------------- W

P is a HP Laserjet, connected to U, which is an Ubuntu 10.04 desktop machine with a standard gnome setup from the live cd. I just selected the HP Laserjet in the gnome printer admin and it works, I can print locally.

W is a remote windows machine, server 2003, and — is an untrusted connection.

I wonder if I can create an ssh tunnel between U and W, so W can print using U's printer service. Which ports will I need to forward and what kind of printer must I add then on the windows machine?

EDIT: I found out I can go to http://localhost:631/ on the U machine and there is the CUPS browser gui. I will try and forward port 631 to W, and add a printer on W like http://localhost:631/printers/hp

Best Answer

I found this "how to." i think it can be your solution

HOWTO Print remotely through ssh access

From that article:

  1. Forward a local printer port to the remote printer:

    ssh -R127.0.0.1:9100:remote_printer_ip_address:9100
  2. Connect your remote box local port which has been forwarded; in other words, pretend that is your printer.

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