Ubuntu 14.04 – Desktop Not Working After Suspend/Resume or Connecting External Monitor


I was happily using 14.04 with my Lenovo Y50. When I installed it, I had some troubles making my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M 2GB works with hardware acceleration, etc, but at the end everything was OK.

THIS WEEK (around 02/25/2015) an update destroyed this beautiful equilibrium: I can't resume after suspend and I can't plug or unplug my external monitor without having a weird problem:

  1. Desktop "moves" half of it size to the right.
  2. Mouse works, but I can't click on anything.

The only workaround is killing the Xorg, and loosing the session. What I tried, without success:

  1. Downgrade Compiz (the first suspect, it was upgraded this week). Nothing.
  2. Install ALL possible NVIDIA drivers:

    • Nouveau
    • Nvidia 304 & Nvidia 304 updates (blacklisting and purging nouveau)
    • Nvidia 331 & Nvidia 331 updates (both from repository and NVidea website, blacklisting and purging nouveau)
    • Nvidia 340 (from Xorg-edgers ppa). (blacklisting and purging nouveau)
    • In every case, I purged previous drivers before, reconfigure Xorg, etc, etc,etc.
  3. Reinstalling Unity and Ubuntu-desktop

I honestly don't know what else to do, but this situation it's very annoying. How can I resolve this issue?

Best Answer

Same problem, here, last week my laptop LG with Intel Sandy Bridge and Nvidia GForce start freezing in the way you describe. In the past it could freeze from time to time. I move around with the laptop, so at home and work I use a dual screen but in the train (from home to work and back). I don't have the external display. ;-) Now every time I connect/disconnect the external display unity freezes.

My solution Ctrl+Alt+F1:

setsid unity

This allows Unity to be responsive again, but I miss the menu bar. Then I open a terminal in Unity and put again

setsid unity

and it works till the next time I unplug/plug the dual screen.

I'm also thinking to move away from unity, but I need to find a good desktop that looks nicely with dual screens of very different resolutions.