Ubuntu – Ubuntu 17.10 new install, Firefox 57.0 (64-bit) can’t play videos on Google Photos


Brand new install of 17.10, love it so far. I especially love the new Firefox browser but I can't seem to get my videos to play on photos.google.com. All I get is a static screen with "This video format is not supported".

I did install Chrome and they do play through that browser, so I know I'm just missing something on my Firefox install. I tested Flash and that seems to work on the Adobe flash test site after I allow it, but I never get a prompt to allow Flash on the Google photos page, I assume they're using something else anyway.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Finally worked this one out, totally forgot about the unrestricted extras.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras

After that I restarted Firefox and all was well.

You can check your video codec status at:


After you install the unrestricted extras package the H.264 and MSE & H.264 should be blue with a check.