Ubuntu 17.10 GNOME – Ctrl + Shift + V in Terminal Triggers Language Change


I use Ctrl+Shift to change keyboard layout and Ctrl+Shift+v in terminal.
It never was a problem with Unity but now Ctrl+Shift immediately changes language so that I can't use it for other shortcuts. Is there a way to solve this for GNOME without changing those shortcuts?

Best Answer

It is known ugly bug - see launchpad bug 1245473.

I'm writing this from Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS with MATE DE. It does not have this problem.
I'm using Ctrl+Shift layout switcher for English and Russian languages.
I see no interference here.

But MATE on Ubuntu 17.10 has this problem - see other launchpad bug 1720364.

My complete position is written in comment 528 for bug 1218322 at launchpad.

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