Ubuntu – Ubuntu 14.04 with Nvidia driver – blank screen after kernel update


I have a Ubuntu 14.04 system on which I installed the 64-bit Nvidia driver (version 343.22) from their website. Everything works fine, however whenever there is a kernel update, after reboot the screen goes blank and I have to re-run the Nvidia installer from console. Is there any way to avoid this?

Best Answer

Yes, I believe you can install dkms and the headers before you run the installer and it should give you a DKMS option during setup. DKMS will prevent the problem you are experiencing so you don't have to re-install every kernel upgrade:

sudo apt-get install dkms build-essential linux-headers-generic linux-headers-`uname -r` linux-source

Then, run the installer and select the DKMS option when prompted.

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