Ubuntu – Ubuntu 14.04 lockscreen turns off music + plays the ‘lock-sound’


My computer automatically locks its screen (as its supposed to do) after the 30 seconds that i've asked for in the lock screen settings menu. Since upgrading from the 13.10 to the 14.04 system, the lock screen makes the "padum" sound Ubuntu does when showing the login-screen.
Next to this, music (like Rhythmbox) won't keep playing while 'on' the lockscreen, while I'd like it to do so. Instead, it pauses it till I unlock my computer, and starts directly playing again after that.
How to I turn of the "welcome to the login screen" chime, and make sure the music keeps on playing?

I'm running ubuntu 14.04, 64 bits, with the gnome desktop.
Would this be the same bug? (seeing that I do not run xubuntu)

Best Answer

Disable the light locker in Settings->Light Locker Settings