Ubuntu – Lubuntu enforces screen lock


I can't disable screen lock in Lubuntu. In Power management I have it unchecked. There is another option "Enable light locker" in the "Light locker settings". I also have this unchecked but I still see black screen after 10 minutes and when I move the mouse I have to provide a password.

I hate this behaviour in all ubuntus, but usually I can just disable it in system settings. Well not here.

So lubuntu has these settings in two places and is ignoring both.

I found this question:

Stop Xscreensaver from locking screen once screensaver starts

According to this, I tried to remove "xscreensaver" package, but didn't have it installed at all. So this solves


What I learned so far:

  • this is not magic. it affects other people as well
  • it is caused by a bug in Xfce power manager:


Best Answer

This solution is a combination of @Jeroen's solution and @A lubuntu user solution.

The root cause, I believe, is that the user-specific light-locker.desktop file doesn't override the system-wide one. So, even if the user configures light-locker to not start at all, it still runs with the default configuration parameters.

Warning: This will disable system-wide default screen locking. If you want to enable locking for a specific user, you'll need to edit the Exec= line in the ~/.config/autostart/light-locker.desktop file for each user. Configuring this through "Preferences >> Light Locker Settings" may do this (once the system-wide file is moved out of the way), but I haven't tried this.

Step 1: Disable system-wide startup of light-locker. This will allow the per-user .desktop file to be executed instead.

sudo mv /etc/xdg/autostart/light-locker.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/light-locker.desktop.bak

To re-enable this, you would just rename the file so it no longer has the .bak extension.

Step 2: Edit the user-specific light-locker.desktop file

Open ~/.config/autostart/light-locker.desktop in a text editor.

Edit the line that begins Exec= so it is only Exec=. That is, there is no command specified which means light-locker won't be started.

Step 3: Reboot.

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