Ubuntu – Transparent window title bar


Does anybody know how to enable the transparent window title bar in Ubuntu 14.04?

For previous versions (13.10 and 13.04) you can use this method, but it doesn’t work any more in 14.04.

I'm not referring to the top-panel in Ubuntu – I'm referring to the title-bar of the window.

Best Answer

This is a partial solution, as I couldn't figure out why it doesn't work for active window.

As mentioned by chaskes, decoration transparency now is defined by themes using CSS (property or external background image).

Tested with Ambiance theme:

  • modified

  • by commenting background-image of UnityDecoration.top and UnityDecoration.top:backdrop leaving background-color: transparent;

    UnityDecoration.top {
        background-color: transparent;
        background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
                                         from (shade (@dark_bg_color, 1.5)),
                                         to (shade (@dark_bg_color, 1.04)));
    UnityDecoration.top:backdrop {
        background-color: transparent;
        background-image: -gtk-gradient (linear, left top, left bottom,
                                         from (shade (#474642, 0.92)),
                                         to (@dark_bg_color));

enter image description here