Ubuntu – Top bar is eating the title bars


I'm trying not to hate Unity, but I'm still not in love.

If I have windows non-maximized, I often find that the window is stuck so the title bar is hidden by my Unity top bar. I had to enable Compiz's Window Management Grid just to give myself ctrl-alt-num6 as a way to force windows back into the visible screen.

Is there a way to keep windows from slipping up under the top bar?

Best Answer

You need to set the appropriate option in the Compiz Place Windows plugin.

  • Open CCSM (make sure you have it installed first).
  • Find the Place Windows plugin:
  • Now, in the options, make sure that smart placement is selected.

This option is usually set by default, but sometimes for some reason it is not. I am not 100% certain as to the cause (still trying to find it). If you do not have the place windows plugin, make sure to check that you have any additional compiz plugins installed in the software center.