Ubuntu – Three finger drag with trackpad


OS X has a feature where you can use three fingers to do the equivalent of click-and-drag, sparing you the annoying tap-then-tap-again-and-move-quickly dance normally required.

Is there a way to enable this on Ubuntu for, say, moving tabs around in Chrome?

Note: I'm aware that Unity has re-purposed three finger gestures. I'm not using Unity, and very much want generic click-and-drag via three finger touch.

Best Answer

Since you don't have unity you should be able to just install touchegg from the Ubuntu Software Center and then for a nice gui you can download and install the touchegg gui from here: https://github.com/Raffarti/Touchegg-gce

Touchegg is awesome by the way! I programmed 3,4 and 5 finger gestures to do anything i wanted. You can program clicks as well as different swipes as well. it's pretty awesome.