Security – Best Ways to Restrict Access to Adult Content


I bought my kids a PC and installed 12.04 (Unity) on it. The bottom line is, I want my children to use the computer unsupervised while I have confidence they cannot access anything inappropriate.

What I have looked at:

I was looking at Scrubit a tool which allows me configure my wifi router to block content and this solution would also protect my other PC and mobile devices. This may be overkill as I just want the solution to work on one PC.

I also did some Google searches and came across the application called Nanny (it seems to look the part). My experience of OSS is that the best solutions frequently never appear first on a Google search list and in this case I need to trust the methods therefore my question is very specific.

I want to leverage your knowledge and experience to understand What is the best way to restrict adult content on 12.04 LTS as this is important to me. It maybe a combination of things so please don't answer this question "try this or that", then give me some PPA unless you can share your experience of how good it is and of course if there are any constraints.

Best Answer

One easy and great way of doing it is going straight to the source and use DNS filtering for that purpose.

Let's face it, you cannot protect your children all the time from all the internet risks, but using some sort of filtering you can at least force it in your home.

One of the advantages of filtering using DNS is that even if you have a smart ass kid that knows he can bypass blocking software installed in his system using the Ubuntu LiveCD, DNS usage can be enforced in the system that use DHCP via your router.

Have a look at a DNS parental control option like OpenDSN Family Shield or Cloudflare for Familiesfor an example on how a DNS filter would work for your computers at home. Many other DNS servers will allow you to do it, OpenDNS is just one that I use normally.

Set up an account, make the changes in your router to use the DNS servers from OpenDNS, activate parental filtering and no matter what OS your kids are using that obtain an IP via the router will be blocked from accessing issue sites.

Of course if your kids are smart enough and know how to spoof that it will be easy for them to bypass it, that again, as said before, you won't be able to protect your children all the time from all the dangers the internet presents.